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6.2 Simple Linear Regression for Health Data

Introduction to Simple Linear Regression

Simple Linear Regression is a statistical method used to model the relationship between two variables: one independent variable (predictor) and one dependent variable (response). In a health context, it helps us understand how changes in the independent variable impact the dependent variable.

Packages for Linear Regression in Python

Linear regression is a pivotal tool in statistical modeling and machine learning. While many Python libraries offer linear regression functionality, the approach, functionality, and intended usage vary among them. This section provides an overview of three primary packages: scikit-learn, SciPy.stats, and statsmodels.

Purpose and Design Philosophy:

  • scikit-learn:

    • Purpose: Predominantly designed for predictive data analysis. Seamlessly integrates with the broader machine learning ecosystem.
    • Focus: Prioritizes prediction and model evaluation. Well-suited for large datasets and multidimensional data.
  • SciPy.stats:

    • Purpose: A comprehensive library for statistical analysis, offering detailed statistics about model fit.
    • Focus: Tailored for inference, hypothesis testing, and in-depth understanding of variable relationships. Presents comprehensive regression summaries.
  • statsmodels:

    • Purpose: Bridges the gap between machine learning and traditional statistics.
    • Focus: Combines the best of both worlds, providing detailed statistics for hypothesis testing and tools for predictive modeling. Particularly renowned for its rich regression outputs.

Model Assumptions and Diagnostics:

  • scikit-learn:

    • Assumptions: Although it operates on the foundational mathematical assumptions like linearity, independence, and homoscedasticity, there aren't native methods for verifying these.
    • Diagnostics: Limited built-in tools for regression diagnostics. Users often integrate with other libraries to visualize residual plots, Q-Q plots, and more.
  • SciPy.stats:

    • Assumptions: Adheres to the standard linear regression assumptions. Offers tools to validate these, such as normality tests for residuals.
    • Diagnostics: Delivers a comprehensive regression summary, inclusive of p-values, standard errors, confidence intervals, aiding in potential issue diagnosis.
  • statsmodels:

    • Assumptions: While similar foundational assumptions underpin this package, it provides a suite of diagnostic tools and tests to validate them.
    • Diagnostics: Comparable to SciPy.stats in richness, offering detailed summaries, with added functionalities for more advanced regression techniques.

Output and Interpretability:

  • scikit-learn:

    • Output: Yields coefficients, R-squared values, and predictions.
    • Interpretability: Often augmented with other libraries like statsmodels or SciPy to achieve comprehensive statistical analysis and interpretation.
  • SciPy.stats:

    • Output: A rich summary encompassing coefficients, t-values, p-values, standard errors, confidence intervals, and numerous other statistics.
    • Interpretability: Its exhaustive output aids easier statistical inference and an in-depth understanding of predictor significance and impact.
  • statsmodels:

    • Output: Provides a detailed summary, much like SciPy.stats, but with additional diagnostics and tests.
    • Interpretability: Known for its extensive regression outputs, it facilitates thorough statistical analysis and understanding.

Flexibility and Extensions:

  • scikit-learn:

    • Extensions: Crafted for seamless integration into data pipelines and interoperability with diverse machine learning models. Easily extended to regularized regressions and non-linear models.
  • SciPy.stats:

    • Extensions: Though powerful, it's somewhat limited when extending to non-traditional machine learning models, primarily serving traditional statistical models.
  • statsmodels:

    • Extensions: Maintains flexibility, offering tools for both traditional statistical models and more advanced regression techniques.

In conclusion, while scikit-learn, SciPy.stats, and statsmodels all cater to linear regression, their optimal use-cases differ. For tasks pivoting on predictive modeling and interfacing with machine learning algorithms, scikit-learn shines. In contrast, for comprehensive statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, and inference, SciPy.stats and statsmodels provide richer utilities. Deciding on a package often hinges on the precise goals of the analysis at hand.

Case Study: BMI and Blood Pressure with Scikit-learn

Let's consider a case study where we want to investigate the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and blood pressure. We hypothesize that higher BMI may lead to higher blood pressure levels. Our goal is to build a simple linear regression model to quantify this relationship.

Gathering Data

We collect data from a sample of individuals, recording their BMI and corresponding blood pressure measurements. This dataset serves as the basis for our analysis.

Using the Faker library, we can simulate a dataset of individuals, each with a BMI value and a corresponding blood pressure measurement.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from faker import Faker

fake = Faker()

# Set random seed for reproducibility

# Generate sample data
num_samples = 100
bmi_values = np.random.uniform(18.5, 35, num_samples) # Typical range for adults
# Let's assume a simple linear relation with some added noise for blood pressure values
blood_pressure = 80 + 1.5 * bmi_values + np.random.normal(0, 5, num_samples)

# Convert data into a pandas DataFrame
data = pd.DataFrame({
'BMI': bmi_values,
'Blood Pressure': blood_pressure

Example of test data:

BMI Blood Pressure
0 24.679912 117.455103
1 34.186786 129.785142
2 30.577900 126.325654
3 28.377865 112.628953
4 21.074308 110.513102
.. ... ...
95 26.647627 115.892390
96 27.125092 120.302129
97 25.554427 120.037400
98 18.919416 109.762577
99 20.280209 114.556229

[100 rows x 2 columns]

Building the Regression Model

Using Python's scikit-learn library, we build a simple linear regression model to predict blood pressure based on BMI. The model fits a line that best represents the relationship between these two variables. The slope of the line indicates the change in blood pressure associated with a unit change in BMI.

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Extracting data for regression
X = data[['BMI']]
y = data['Blood Pressure']

# Initialize and fit the model
model = LinearRegression().fit(X, y)

# Get model parameters
slope = model.coef_[0]
intercept = model.intercept_

Interpreting the Results

We analyze the model's coefficients and statistics, including the intercept, slope, and R-squared value. The intercept represents the predicted blood pressure when BMI is zero, which may not have practical significance. The slope quantifies the change in blood pressure for each unit change in BMI.

  • Coefficients (Slope and Intercept)
    • The coef attribute gives the slope of the regression line (for simple linear regression). The intercept attribute provides the y-intercept of the line.
  • R-squared Value
    • The score() method of the linear regression object returns the R-squared value, which indicates the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable.
  • Predictions
    • The predict() method can be used to get predicted values of the dependent variable based on new (or the same) independent variable values.
# Extract model parameters
slope = model.coef_[0]
intercept = model.intercept_
r_squared = model.score(X, y)

# Display results
print(f"Slope (Coefficient for BMI): {slope:.2f}")
print(f"Intercept: {intercept:.2f}")
print(f"R-squared value: {r_squared:.2f}")

# If you want to display predictions for the first 5 individuals
predictions = model.predict(X)
print("\nPredicted Blood Pressure for the first 5 individuals:")
for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions[:5]):
print(f"Individual {i + 1}: {prediction:.2f}")

Slope (Coefficient for BMI): 1.36
Intercept: 83.65
R-squared value: 0.69

Predicted Blood Pressure for the first 5 individuals:
Individual 1: 117.23
Individual 2: 130.17
Individual 3: 125.26
Individual 4: 122.27
Individual 5: 112.33


Let's interpret the provided output step-by-step:

  1. Slope (Coefficient for BMI): 1.36
    The slope represents the change in the dependent variable (Blood Pressure) for a unit change in the independent variable (BMI).
    Interpretation: For every one unit increase in BMI, we expect the blood pressure to increase by approximately 1.36 units, holding all other factors constant.

  2. Intercept: 83.65
    The intercept represents the value of the dependent variable (Blood Pressure) when the independent variable (BMI) is zero.
    Interpretation: If a person had a BMI of zero (which isn't practically possible or healthy), we'd expect their blood pressure to be 83.65 units, based on this model. Remember, in many cases, especially in healthcare, the intercept might not have a practical interpretation and is more of a mathematical artifact.

  3. R-squared value: 0.69
    The R-squared value, often termed the coefficient of determination, provides a measure of how well the observed outcomes are replicated by the model, based on the proportion of total variation of outcomes explained by the model.
    Interpretation: Approximately 69% of the variability in blood pressure can be explained by BMI in our sample. This suggests that BMI is a significant predictor of blood pressure for this dataset. The closer the R-squared value is to 1, the better the fit. An R-squared value of 0.69 is considered reasonably good, indicating that the model has captured a substantial part of the variance in blood pressure related to BMI.

  4. Predicted Blood Pressure for the first 5 individuals:
    These are the predicted values of blood pressure for the first 5 individuals in the dataset, based on their BMI and the model we've built.

    • For Individual 1, based on their BMI, we predict a blood pressure of 117.23 units.
    • For Individual 2, the predicted blood pressure is 130.17 units.
    • For Individual 3, the predicted blood pressure is 125.26 units.
    • ... and so forth.

In summary, this linear regression model suggests a positive association between BMI and blood pressure. As BMI increases, blood pressure tends to increase as well. The model seems to fit the data relatively well, given the R-squared value, but it's crucial to consider other diagnostic tests and plots (like residuals) to confirm the model's appropriateness.


We create scatter plots with the regression line overlaid to visually depict the relationship between BMI and blood pressure. This visualization helps us understand how closely the data points align with the regression line.

plt.scatter(X, y, color='blue', label='Data points')
plt.plot(X, model.predict(X), color='red', label='Regression line')
plt.title('BMI vs. Blood Pressure')
plt.ylabel('Blood Pressure')

Example of Linear: BMI and BP

Drawing Conclusions

With the regression analysis and visualization in hand, we draw conclusions about the relationship between BMI and blood pressure. The R-squared value tells us how well the model fits the data. A higher R-squared indicates a stronger fit, suggesting that BMI is a good predictor of blood pressure in our dataset.

Simple linear regression provides a foundational framework for understanding relationships between variables in health data. By applying this technique to the BMI and blood pressure case study, we demonstrate how it can help us quantify and interpret the impact of one variable on another in a healthcare context.

Case Study: BMI and Blood Pressure with Statsmodels

Gathering Data

... (This section remains unchanged) ...

Building the Regression Model with Statsmodels

Using the statsmodels library, we can construct a regression model that provides comprehensive statistics and insights. The library allows us to fit a line that represents the relationship between the two variables and extract important metrics from the regression.

import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Extracting data for regression
X = data[['BMI']]
X = sm.add_constant(X) # Add an intercept to our model
y = data['Blood Pressure']

# Fit the regression model
model = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()

Interpreting the Results

The statsmodels library produces a comprehensive summary that includes coefficients (like the intercept and slope), standard errors, t-values, p-values, confidence intervals, and several other statistics.

  • Coefficients (Slope and Intercept)
    • The .params attribute provides the coefficients of the regression.
  • R-squared Value
    • The .rsquared attribute gives the R-squared value, indicating the proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables.
  • Summary
    • The .summary() method provides a detailed summary of the regression.
  • Predictions
    • The .predict() method can be used to obtain predicted values based on the independent variable values.
# Extract model parameters
slope = model.params['BMI']
intercept = model.params['const']
r_squared = model.rsquared

# Display results
print(f"Slope (Coefficient for BMI): {slope:.2f}")
print(f"Intercept: {intercept:.2f}")
print(f"R-squared value: {r_squared:.2f}")

# For a detailed summary:

# If you want to display predictions for the first 5 individuals
predictions = model.predict(X)
print("\nPredicted Blood Pressure for the first 5 individuals:")
for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions[:5]):
print(f"Individual {i + 1}: {prediction:.2f}")

Slope (Coefficient for BMI): 1.36
Intercept: 83.65
R-squared value: 0.69
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Blood Pressure R-squared: 0.687
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.683
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 214.6
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 1.99e-26
Time: 01:10:25 Log-Likelihood: -292.09
No. Observations: 100 AIC: 588.2
Df Residuals: 98 BIC: 593.4
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 83.6530 2.481 33.723 0.000 78.730 88.576
BMI 1.3607 0.093 14.650 0.000 1.176 1.545
Omnibus: 0.900 Durbin-Watson: 2.285
Prob(Omnibus): 0.638 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.808
Skew: 0.217 Prob(JB): 0.668
Kurtosis: 2.929 Cond. No. 146.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Predicted Blood Pressure for the first 5 individuals:
Individual 1: 117.23
Individual 2: 130.17
Individual 3: 125.26
Individual 4: 122.27
Individual 5: 112.33

By using statsmodels, we gain an edge in detailed statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, and understanding the significance of predictors. The .summary() method, in particular, offers an in-depth view of the regression results, making it a powerful tool for statistical inference.


  1. Coefficients:

    • Intercept (const): The estimated intercept is 83.65. This implies that for an individual with a BMI of 0 (which is not practically possible, but theoretically), their predicted blood pressure would be 83.65 units. Typically, this is not a value that would have practical significance, but it's a necessary part of the regression equation.
    • Slope (Coefficient for BMI): The estimated slope is 1.36. This suggests that for each additional unit increase in BMI, we can expect an average increase of 1.36 units in blood pressure, holding other factors constant.
  2. Model Fit:

    • R-squared value: The R-squared value is 0.69 or 69%. This indicates that approximately 69% of the variance in blood pressure can be explained by the BMI. In other words, BMI explains a significant portion of the variation we see in blood pressure, but there's still around 31% of the variance that is unexplained by this model.
  3. Statistical Significance:

    • P-values: Both the intercept and the slope for BMI have p-values less than 0.05 (in fact, they're very close to 0), suggesting that these coefficients are statistically significant. The p-value for the BMI coefficient indicates that the relationship between BMI and blood pressure is statistically significant at common significance levels.
    • Confidence Intervals: The 95% confidence interval for the BMI coefficient is [1.176, 1.545], which means that we are 95% confident that the true coefficient lies within this interval.
  4. Other Diagnostics:

    • Durbin-Watson: The value is 2.285, which is close to 2. This suggests that there is no significant autocorrelation in the residuals. Autocorrelation can indicate that the data is following a trend or that there is seasonality.
    • Omnibus/Prob(Omnibus): These tests are used to check the normality of the residuals. The Omnibus value is 0.900 with a p-value of 0.638, indicating that the residuals are approximately normally distributed.
    • Skew: The value of 0.217 suggests that the residuals are almost symmetrically distributed around the mean.
    • Kurtosis: The value of 2.929 is close to 3, suggesting that the tails of the residual distribution are similar to a normal distribution.
  5. Predicted Blood Pressure for Selected Individuals:

    • Using our model, the predicted blood pressure values for the first five individuals are as follows:
      • Individual 1: 117.23
      • Individual 2: 130.17
      • Individual 3: 125.26
      • Individual 4: 122.27
      • Individual 5: 112.33

These predictions are based on the individual's BMI and the relationship that the model has determined between BMI and blood pressure.


... (This section remains mostly unchanged, given it's about visualization) ...

plt.scatter(X['BMI'], y, color='blue', label='Data points')
plt.plot(X['BMI'], predictions, color='red', label='Regression line')
plt.title('BMI vs. Blood Pressure')
plt.ylabel('Blood Pressure')

Stats Model Linear Model

Drawing Conclusions

... (This section remains untouched as it pertains to your final interpretation based on results) ...

Rhe results from the regression model provide strong evidence to support our hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between BMI and blood pressure. However, as with any statistical model, it's crucial to consider other potential confounding variables and the limitations of the data when drawing broader conclusions.

Case Study: BMI and Blood Pressure with SciPy.stats

Building the Regression Model

Using Python's SciPy.stats library, we can perform a simple linear regression. This will fit a line that represents the relationship between BMI and blood pressure. The slope of the line will indicate the change in blood pressure associated with a unit change in BMI.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats

# Assuming the data generation is same as above

# Perform regression
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(data['BMI'], data['Blood Pressure'])

Interpreting the Results

Given the regression results:

  1. Coefficients:

    • Intercept: The estimated intercept is given by the intercept value. This is the predicted blood pressure when the BMI is zero. As mentioned earlier, this isn't a practically feasible value for BMI, but is theoretically necessary for the regression equation.
    • Slope: The estimated slope is given by the slope value. This represents the change in blood pressure for each additional unit of BMI.
  2. Model Fit:

    • R-squared value: The square of r_value gives the R-squared value, which represents the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable (blood pressure) that's predictable from the independent variable (BMI).
  3. Statistical Significance:

    • P-value: The p_value is a test of the null hypothesis that the slope is zero (no effect). A low p-value (< 0.05) indicates that you can reject the null hypothesis. In other words, a predictor that has a low p-value is likely to be a meaningful addition to your model.
  4. Standard Error:

    • Standard Error: The std_err represents the standard error of the estimated gradient.
# Display results
print(f"Slope (Coefficient for BMI): {slope:.2f}")
print(f"Intercept: {intercept:.2f}")
print(f"R-squared value: {r_value**2:.2f}")
print(f"P-value: {p_value:.5f}")
print(f"Standard Error: {std_err:.5f}")

Slope (Coefficient for BMI): 1.36
Intercept: 83.65
R-squared value: 0.69
P-value: 0.00000
Standard Error: 0.09288

Of course! Let's interpret the results obtained from the linear regression using SciPy.stats.


  1. Coefficients (Intercept and Slope):

    • Intercept (83.65): The intercept value of 83.65 suggests that, theoretically, if an individual had a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 0, their predicted blood pressure would be 83.65 units (e.g., mmHg). However, remember that a BMI of 0 isn't practically meaningful. The intercept essentially helps position the regression line correctly on the graph.

    • Slope (1.36): The slope of 1.36 implies that for every unit increase in BMI, we expect an increase of approximately 1.36 units in blood pressure. This coefficient signifies the strength and direction of the relationship between BMI and blood pressure. Given our hypothesis, this result suggests that higher BMI is indeed associated with higher blood pressure.

  2. R-squared value (0.69):

    • The R-squared value of 0.69 (or 69%) indicates that about 69% of the variability in blood pressure can be explained by its relationship with BMI. In other words, BMI is a good predictor of blood pressure for the given dataset, as it explains a significant portion of the blood pressure variance.
  3. P-value (0.00000):

    • The extremely low p-value (essentially 0) for the slope suggests that the relationship between BMI and blood pressure is statistically significant. This means that the observed relationship (captured by the slope) is very unlikely to have occurred by random chance. A common threshold for significance is 0.05; any p-value below this threshold suggests that there is strong evidence against the null hypothesis, and we can conclude that BMI does have an effect on blood pressure.
  4. Standard Error (0.09288):

    • The standard error of the slope (0.09288) gives us an idea of how much the estimate might "bounce around" if we were to choose a different sample from the same population. A smaller standard error suggests that the estimate is more precise. Here, the standard error indicates the average amount our slope (1.36) might deviate due to sampling variability. Given the scale of our coefficients, this standard error seems reasonably small, further reinforcing our confidence in the slope estimate.


Using the derived regression coefficients, predictions can be made for new data or the existing data.

# Predictions for the first 5 individuals
predictions = intercept + slope * data['BMI'].head(5)
for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions):
print(f"Individual {i + 1}: {prediction:.2f}")

Individual 1: 117.23
Individual 2: 130.17
Individual 3: 125.26
Individual 4: 122.27
Individual 5: 112.33


The data and regression line can be visualized to understand the fit.

plt.scatter(data['BMI'], data['Blood Pressure'], color='blue', label='Data points')
plt.plot(data['BMI'], intercept + slope * data['BMI'], color='red', label='Regression line')
plt.title('BMI vs. Blood Pressure')
plt.ylabel('Blood Pressure')

Scipy Example with Linear Regression


Given these results, we have strong evidence that BMI is positively associated with blood pressure. As BMI increases, blood pressure is also likely to increase, and this relationship is statistically significant. The model explains a significant proportion (69%) of the variability in blood pressure, making BMI a valuable predictor in this context.

Interpreting the output from SciPy.stats is more direct than statsmodels since it's primarily designed for simple regressions and doesn't offer the comprehensive suite of statistics and diagnostics that statsmodels provides. However, it's a quick and easy way to get essential regression statistics without diving deep into the nuances of regression diagnostics.

Comparison of predicted BP values

Here's a table comparing the predicted blood pressure values for the first 5 individuals across the three models. From this table, it's evident that all three models (Scikit-learn, Statsmodel, and SciPy) gave the exact same predictions for the first 5 individuals. This is expected since they all fundamentally use ordinary least squares for linear regression and the data and method applied were consistent across all three.

IndividualScikit-learn PredictionStatsmodel PredictionSciPy Prediction

Challenges in Applying Regressions to Healthcare Data

Given these unique characteristics, several challenges arise when applying regression techniques:

1. Non-Linearity

Health outcomes and predictors often have non-linear relationships. Standard linear regressions might not always be the best fit.

Dose-Response Curves - The effect of a drug often follows a sigmoidal dose-response curve where, after a certain point, increasing the dose doesn't lead to significant increases in therapeutic effect but might increase the risk of side effects.

Age and Recovery - Young patients and older patients might have different recovery times post-surgery. But the relationship isn't necessarily linear; middle-aged patients might recover faster than both very young and very old patients, illustrating a U-shaped curve.

2. Confounding

Given the interconnected nature of health data, there might be lurking variables that confound the relationship between predictors and outcomes.

Example 1: A study might show that people who exercise frequently have reduced risks of heart disease. However, if these individuals also have healthier diets (the confounder), it could be the diet, not just the exercise, leading to reduced risks.

Example 2: Patients in a hospital with more advanced medical equipment might show higher mortality rates. This could be confounded by the fact that such hospitals receive more critical cases, and it's the severity of the cases, not the equipment, that's influencing the mortality rate.

3. Overfitting

With a plethora of variables available in health datasets, there's a risk of creating models that fit too closely to the training data and perform poorly on new, unseen data.

Example 1: A model designed to predict patient readmission might consider a myriad of lab tests, vital signs, and patient history. If not regularized, this model might perform exceptionally well on the training data but fail when applied to other patient datasets.

Example 2: A machine learning model predicting the progression of a rare disease based on genetic markers, lifestyle factors, and environmental variables. If the model is too complex, it might identify patterns that are just noise and not truly representative of disease progression.

4. Collinearity

Health variables can be highly correlated. For example, weight and body mass index (BMI) in a dataset can introduce multicollinearity, which complicates interpretation and prediction.

Example 1: In a study on obesity's effects on heart disease, including both weight and BMI as predictors can lead to multicollinearity. They are correlated, and their individual impacts on heart disease become hard to interpret.

Example 2: A study exploring the impact of lifestyle on blood pressure might include both salt intake and processed food consumption. As processed foods often contain high levels of salt, these variables are correlated, complicating the analysis.