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5.3 Statistical Test Selection

Selecting the right statistical test is a crucial step in the data analysis process. It ensures that the conclusions drawn from the analysis are accurate, reliable, and meaningful. However, with the availability of tools like Python and R, it's easy to fall into the trap of running tests without considering whether they are appropriate for the data and research question at hand. This highlights the importance of understanding the types of data, the research objectives, and the assumptions underlying each test.

Parametric vs Non-parametric

When selecting a statistical test, one crucial distinction to consider is whether the test is parametric or non-parametric. This classification is based on the assumptions made about the underlying distribution of the data. Parametric tests assume that the data follows a specific distribution, typically the normal distribution, while non-parametric tests do not rely on distributional assumptions. Understanding the nature of your data and the assumptions of the chosen test is essential to ensure accurate and reliable results.

Parametric Tests

Parametric tests are powerful and efficient when data meets the assumptions of the chosen distribution. These tests provide precise estimates of population parameters and often require less data to achieve a given level of statistical power. However, they are sensitive to violations of distributional assumptions.

Examples of Parametric Tests:

Continuous Data:

  • Student's t-test: Compare means of two independent groups.
  • Paired t-test: Compare means of two related groups (paired observations).
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Compare means of three or more independent groups.
  • Repeated Measures ANOVA: Compare means of three or more related groups (repeated measures).
  • Linear Regression: Examine relationships between continuous predictor(s) and a continuous outcome.
  • Multiple Regression: Examine relationships between multiple predictor variables and a continuous outcome.

Categorical Data:

  • Chi-Square Test: Assess independence between two categorical variables.
  • ANOVA (One-Way): Compare means of a continuous variable across different levels of a categorical variable.
  • Two-Way ANOVA: Examine interactions between two categorical variables on a continuous outcome.


  • Pearson Correlation: Measure the linear relationship between two continuous variables.
  • Linear Regression: Examine relationships between continuous predictor(s) and a continuous outcome.

Non-Parametric Tests

Non-parametric tests are robust to deviations from distributional assumptions and are suitable for data that may not follow a normal distribution. These tests are based on rank-order statistics and are ideal for ordinal or skewed data. While they provide a less detailed estimation of population parameters compared to parametric tests, they are a valuable option when assumptions are not met.

Examples of Non-Parametric Tests:

Continuous Data:

  • Mann-Whitney U Test: Compare medians of two independent groups.
  • Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: Compare medians of two related groups (paired observations).
  • Kruskal-Wallis Test: Compare medians of three or more independent groups.
  • Friedman Test: Compare medians of three or more related groups (repeated measures).

Categorical Data:

  • Chi-Square Test: Assess independence between two categorical variables.
  • Mann-Whitney U Test: Compare medians of two independent groups.


  • Spearman Correlation: Measure the monotonic relationship between two continuous variables.
  • Kendall's Tau: Measure the strength and direction of dependence between two ordinal variables.

Decision Aids and Guidelines

There are several decision charts, flowcharts, and guidelines available that can help researchers choose the appropriate statistical test based on the characteristics of their data and research question. These decision aids take into account factors such as data types (categorical, continuous), number of groups, and the nature of the comparison (dependent, independent, paired, unpaired).

Consulting these guides can help researchers navigate the selection process and avoid common pitfalls like using a parametric test when data distribution assumptions are violated, or using a test that doesn't account for the specific study design.

The below tables are re-created from a peer-reviewed PubMed publication that focuses on statistical test selection as a basic example:

Parametric and their Alternative Nonparametric Methods

DescriptionParametric MethodsNonparametric Methods
Descriptive statisticsMean, Standard deviationMedian, Interquartile range
Sample with population (or hypothetical value)One sample t-test (n <30) and One sample Z-test (n ≥30)One sample Wilcoxon signed rank test
Two unpaired groupsIndependent samples t-test (Unpaired samples t-test)Mann Whitney U test/Wilcoxon rank sum test
Two paired groupsPaired samples t-testRelated samples Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Three or more unpaired groupsOne-way ANOVAKruskal-Wallis H test
Three or more paired groupsRepeated measures ANOVAFriedman Test
Degree of linear relationship between two variablesPearson’s correlation coefficientSpearman rank correlation coefficient
Predict one outcome variable by at least one independent variableLinear regression modelNonlinear regression model/Log linear regression model on log normal data

Statistical Methods to Compare the Proportions

DescriptionStatistical MethodsData Type
Test the association between two categorical variables (Independent groups)Pearson Chi-square test/Fisher exact testVariable has ≥2 categories
Test the change in proportions between 2/3 groups (paired groups)McNemar test/Cochrane Q testVariable has 2 categories
Comparisons between proportionsZ test for proportionsVariable has 2 categories

Semi-parametric and non-parametric methods

DescriptionStatistical methodsData type
To predict the outcome variable using independent variablesBinary Logistic regression analysisOutcome variable (two categories), Independent variable (s): Categorical (≥2 categories) or Continuous variables or both
To predict the outcome variable using independent variablesMultinomial Logistic regression analysisOutcome variable (≥3 categories), Independent variable (s): Categorical (≥2 categories) or continuous variables or both
Area under Curve and cutoff values in the continuous variableReceiver operating characteristics (ROC) curveOutcome variable (two categories), Test variable : Continuous
To predict the survival probability of the subjects for the given equal intervalsLife table analysisOutcome variable (two categories), Follow-up time : Continuous variable
To compare the survival time in ≥2 groups with PKaplan--Meier curveOutcome variable (two categories), Follow-up time : Continuous variable, One categorical group variable
To assess the predictors those influencing the survival probabilityCox regression analysisOutcome variable (two categories), Follow-up time : Continuous variable, Independent variable(s): Categorical variable(s) (≥2 categories) or continuous variable(s) or both
To predict the diagnostic accuracy of the test variable as compared to gold standard methodDiagnostic accuracy (Sensitivity, Specificity etc.)Both variables (gold standard method and test method) should be categorical (2 × 2 table)
Absolute Agreement between two diagnostic methodsUnweighted and weighted Kappa statistics/Intra class correlationBetween two Nominal variables (unweighted Kappa), Two Ordinal variables (Weighted kappa), Two Continuous variables (Intraclass correlation)

Consulting a Statistician

However, even with these aids, the complexity of real-world data can make the selection process challenging. In such cases, seeking advice from a professional statistician can be invaluable. Statisticians have a deep understanding of the underlying theory and assumptions of different tests and can provide expert guidance on selecting the most appropriate test for a given research question. They can also help interpret the results correctly, taking into account potential limitations or biases.

In summary, selecting the right statistical test is a skill that requires a clear understanding of the research question, data characteristics, and assumptions underlying each test. While tools and decision aids are helpful, the involvement of a statistician can provide an extra layer of confidence in the analysis and its conclusions. It's a crucial step toward ensuring the validity and reliability of research findings in health informatics and beyond.